Some works by Richard Harris

Music Examples

Please click below to hear three excerpts of pieces by Richard Harris.

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This piece is called ‘Hexada’ (1991). It was composed for the six-piano ensemble Piano Circus.

Written by Richard Harris. Performed and recorded by Piano Circus for Decca Records Ltd. Music copyright Richard Harris, recording copyright Decca Records Ltd. 1994.
The song is called ‘A Stranger’ (2003).

Words and music written, performed and recorded by Siena Lloyd and Richard Harris. Produced by Evan Jolly. Copyright Siena Lloyd and Richard Harris.
This piece is called ‘Passion’ (2002). It is a tango written for four synthesisers and percussion, for a show called ‘Landscapes of the Heart’, a collaboration between the aerial theatre company Scarabeus and Piano Circus.

Written by Richard Harris, performed and recorded by David Appleton, Richard Harris, Kate Heath and Richard Saxel. Music copyright Richard Harris.

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